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October 09, 2013


Right, I’ve decided I need to be a full time stay at home mum, with a child at school so that I can spend my days crafting…hehe…

I never seem to get a quiet minute to craft at the moment, with all of my crafting being done in the very late evenings when I really should be getting some…

But if I’m honest I wouldn’t change it for the world, my youngest is growing up so fast and I love every minute I get to spend with her and I love my days at work, actually getting to interact and feel like a 'grown up' for a day or two.

Before I know it Lilly will be at school and then not only will I get wonderful free time to craft or do as I please (although I'm sure I will miss her like crazy), but I will also have all the fun of creating for school plays etc 

I'm so excited about Lilly being ‘big’ enough to craft, she already has her first crayons and loves scribbling all over her paper :)
 She still finds her crayons a bit yummy though and ends up getting bored quickly and having a snack on them!!!!

Anyway back to why I'm making this post, I just wanted to say a big hello and thank you to all my new followers and crafty friends, thank you for joining me it means so much  :)



  1. Crayons never get less yummy! Try one! I personally like the blue! ;) hehe


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